

Kaitlin Colucci, Founder

Kaitlin is a UK Registered Dietitian & Yoga Teacher specialising in gut health. Having studied at the University of Nottingham where she complete a four year masters degree in nutrition and dietetics (MNutr), she specialised into gastroenterology at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, and now also works part-time leading a private nutrition clinic in London.

With over 9 years experience working in gut health, Kaitlin founded the KC Nutrition online gut health clinic to make an evidence-based approach more accessible and get people’s gut health back on track.

Kaitlin is a fully qualified yoga teacher, and works with her clients to reconnect the mind and body, improving gut health from a holistic lens given the significant impact mental health can have on gut health via the gut-brain axis.

As well as that, you can find her sharing all sorts of gut health and nutrition tips, as well as insights to yoga, meditation, and mindfulness over on her Instagram @themissiondietitian.

Kaitlin offers online appointments every Wednesday. Appointment prices:

  • Initial consultation (1hr): £150

  • Follow-up consultation (45 mins): £130